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Here’s what some of the critics have had to say!
Opposition Rising - Aftermathematics LP Review
Opposition Rising hail from Boston and band members have been heavily involved with the scene for many years. Their diverse tastes are reflected in the sound they've produced here, a pleasant cocktail of sharp old-school hardcore and dismetal with touches of what is probably best described as ska-crust. The production job is crisp without being too clean, very well suited to what they're doing, and everything fits nicely into place. The band have matched the noise to some creative and intelligent lyrics, which is exactly what you'd expect from folk who've been around the block a few times. There's an uncompromising attitude that could only really come from veterans of the social war. They've also made some conscious positive decisions about what DIY means to them when it comes to putting out their music in this day and age. It's nice to see the old guard (still) setting the pace in political punk rock discourse.
Opposition Rising - Aftermathematics LP Review
"Opposition Rising, against your tyranny! Opposition Rising, the end of your regime!" And so is the battle cry of Boston's Opposition Rising. Right out of the gates this is a god damned punk rock tour-de-fucking force! Bill and company do an excellent job of crisscrossing punk rock sub-genres by taking the catchy, sing along, anthems of 80's hardcore, down tuning them and adding a bit of crust-punk grittiness. OPPOSITION RISING will surely find an audience with hardcore kids, thrashers, crust punk warriors and even the street punks. Every chorus is memorable and even after a single listen you are able to shout along in defiance against the rich, the state and our oppressors in general. "The rich, the rich are killing the poor, they're addicted to greed and corrupt to the core!" Fuck the rich! I'm feeling it man! Every song empowers the listener and begs for a riot right here and right now. Riot in my living room! Flip over the couch; kick over the lamp, set fire to the coffee table and piss in the front yard! Fuck the man! Fuck the system! Crank the stereo and run down the street naked! Seriously though...This record is almost perfect, I don't even know what they could have been better. The only better would have maybe been if this were a new Judas Priest album in my hands that rivaled the superiority of 'Screaming'! BUT IT IS NOT! It's OPPOSITION RISING and they know how to write a mother fuckin' punk rock song. They have the riffs, the hooks, gruff vocals, chanting choruses and even little reggae parts to shake your butt to. This record is an almost instant classic and the band has made incredibly easy to get your hands on. You download it right off their site for free, acquire one of the free CDs or get yourself a vinyl copy from Tank Crimes, Profane Existence or anywhere else that distributes DIY punk.
(Josh Mosh)
Opposition Rising - Aftermathematics LP Review
Hmmm, how to describe this? The first half is fast, yet heavy metallic, studs-n-spikes hardcore. Now, where the fuck did I put my skateboard? The second half leans towards ska-core, not at all unlike MOUTH SEWN SHUT but not so crusty. Am I making any sense? The songs cover themes near to all our hearts like predatory banks (Debt Sentence), class war (The Rich are Killing the Poor), and punk scene drama (Brick by Brick). The band itself is apparently made up of veteran Boston punkers who’ve each brought their own tastes and stirred them together in this witches’ cauldron of a record. While aftermathematics is freely available for download on the band’s social networks, you can support the scene by purchasing the vinyl release from these DIY record labels that have collaborated on the release! Good shit for real.
(Matt Indignant)
Opposition Rising - Aftermathematics LP Review
An odd amalgam of tough guy hardcore and intelligent, political punk, Opposition Rising is an up and coming Boston band to watch for. In an era when musicians justifiably complain about music piracy, Opposition Rising takes the opposite approach, giving copies of this CD away for free. The entire album is likewise available online for downloading, with a link to by the LP, for those reeled in by the free version. The tough guy bits are interspersed with odd ska breakdowns that are only odd in that they somehow don’t seem at all out of place. The front man’s vocals are way above average, too. No opposition here.
(Art Ettinger)
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